Methods and techniques of skin rejuvenation

facial rejuvenation procedure

A woman looking in the mirror in the morning dreams of seeing her skin young and healthy, but time is inevitable and the appearance of wrinkles is inevitable.

So, it's time to fight against sagging skin to restore youth and freshness to your face.

Someone fights wrinkles with the help of health masks, someone is more suitable for creams and ointments, but there is no more radical and effective method than surgery or medical intervention.

In this case, a set of procedures aimed at rejuvenating the skin is performed. The essence of the skin rejuvenation course is to nourish and stimulate the skin in such a way that it acquires the features and characteristics of young skin.

During treatment, the internal structure of the upper layer of the skin is restored and metabolic processes are stimulated to accelerate the recovery process.

Methods of skin rejuvenation

Contour plastic - allows you to do face plastic without surgery. It is popular because it does not need to be inserted under the surgeon's knife, but the effect of the procedure is almost the same as the patient's plastic surgery.

The advantage of this method is the painlessness of the procedure, it is very convenient if you are afraid of doctors and surgery in general.

Biorevitalization is an injection of hyaluronic acid. This is the newest and safest way to rejuvenate your skin today. This allows the epidermis to fully recover, and after the injection, metabolic processes are stabilized if damaged.

If you want elastic and healthy skin, then biorevitalization suits you unconditionally, after the procedure you will not recognize yourself in the mirror, you will look very beautiful.

3-D skin rejuvenation is a complex of procedures aimed at skin regeneration. Works on the principle of removing problem areas, ie the whole face is not rejuvenated, only those areas that are responsible for the appearance of old skin.

Areas of exposure are identified by some direct or indirect symptoms, such as a change in skin color or texture, sagging skin, or the appearance of wrinkles.