An overview of beauty treatments for body care at different ages

Body Care

A person's body needs no less care than his face. With age, the body depletes its own resources, the skin loses elasticity, becomes drier and softer, problem areas appear, and local oil deposition increases. To prevent and slow down these aesthetic defects, it is recommended to regularly perform cosmetic procedures selected by a specialist depending on the age and body characteristics of each patient.

Body care after 20 years

The skin of a person between the ages of 20 and 30 is characterized by increased elasticity, tone and normal moisture levels, has a homogeneous structure and smoothness. Such features are explained by the large amount of collagen and elastin in the dermis, the accelerated course of internal processes.

Cosmetology procedures are inevitable at such an early age, but they are mainly prophylactic.

Elimination of oily deposits and cellulite

Correction of local fat deposits that cannot be eliminated by diet and exercise until the age of 30 can be done using the following methods:

  • Hand massage. Active hand movements performed in the form of rubbing, rolling, rubbing the skin. It is used to break down fats, activate blood circulation and remove stagnant fluid.
  • Lipolytic Injections. Introduction to problem areas of special solutions that enhance local processes and break down fat cells.
  • Packaging. The application of seaweed-based therapeutic mud or mixtures under a film on problem areas of the body to create a thermal effect that increases the skin's ability to penetrate the active ingredients.

Body care after 30 years

The skin of a person between the ages of 30-40 is characterized by normal moisture levels, medium or reduced tone, elasticity. During this period, problem areas often begin to form, cellulite develops in the hips or buttocks, and fat deposits form.

After 30 years, cosmetology procedures should no longer be protective, but corrective. Indications for their use are cellulite, ptosis, the presence of body fat, the prevention of age-related changes.

Body Fat Removal

After 30 years, the fight against the accumulation of fat in various parts of the body is carried out by both manual and technical methods. Methods that involve the use of special devices that ensure particularly clear results are popular. Among them:

ozone therapy for the skin
  • Electromyostimulation. The purpose of the procedure is to improve skin tone and reduce the size of problem areas. Positive changes are achieved as a result of electric contraction of muscle fibers.
  • Ozone therapy. The purpose of the procedure is to increase skin elasticity and reduce the thickness of the oil layer. The changes are achieved through ozone injections, which help eliminate toxins, nourish cells and optimize metabolism.
  • Cavitation. The purpose of the procedure is to correct volumes, fight against the formation of fat, tighten the skin. The changes occur as a result of the effects of ultrasonic vibrations, which heat and destroy fat cells.

Such procedures are carried out exclusively on a course basis and, if necessary, can be performed at a more mature age. The fight against small numbers of fat cells in certain areas can be carried out by injections of special lipolytic drugs. They then help break down the fats that are naturally expelled from the body.

Cellulite Removal

It is not always possible to eliminate cellulite in the age group of 30-40 by diet and physical activity. The additional apparatus effect of the following nature will help to speed up metabolism and improve the condition of the skin:

  • Vacuum massage. It is performed to fight cellulite and increase skin elasticity. The principle of action is to create a negative pressure field that stimulates the withdrawal of stagnant fluid and causes accelerated cell renewal.
  • Ultrasonic massage. It is done to reduce the effect of orange peel and correct the volume of problem areas. Positive changes are achieved due to the activation of internal processes by ultrasonic pulses.
  • Pressotherapy. Taken to eliminate cellulite & puffinessDuring the procedure, episodic pressure builds up in the soft tissues, which stimulates the excretion of stagnant fluid and toxins, blood circulation and lymph flow.

All procedures are carried out by the course and can be performed in the manner prescribed by a cosmetologist, regardless of the age category of the patient.

Skin tightening

raise the back

In patients over 30 years of age, removal of ptosis of the soft tissues of the body can be done by lifting the rope. The procedure is indicated in the case of a slight sagging of the skin without excessive fat mass. The essence of the procedure is to bring special threads made of synthetic, biodegradable materials to the problem areas. They do not cause rejection or allergies, repair tissues according to their presence, and replace a framework of newly formed collagen fibers that naturally support problem areas when dissolved and excreted from the body. Different areas of the body are subject to thread lifting, but the most popular is the straightening of areas such as the chest or thighs.

Skin rejuvenation

After the age of 30, many women think about preventing age-related changes in the skin of the body. Often the real age, even in the most appropriate form, is given by the neck, décolleté and hands. The following procedures are used to keep them in good condition:

  • Biorevitalization. Hyaluronic acid injections to restore the skin's moisture balance and improve its structure, as well as rejuvenation.
  • Mesotherapy. Injections of vitamins, minerals, plant extracts to saturate the skin with nutrients, increase its protective properties and rejuvenate.

These types of procedures are performed in 3-5 sessions, the results obtained as a result of application are stored for 5-6 months.

Body care after 45 years

Mature skin affects women between the ages of 45 and 50, is characterized by a decrease in elasticity and moisture levels, in addition to problem areas with cellulite and fat deposits, there are areas with obvious signs of aging, most often the neck, décolleté, hands. . .

During this period, skin care procedures are corrective and are performed through extended exposure.

Body Fat Removal

After 50 years, and sometimes even after 40 years, the fight against body fat is especially intense. A special, advanced effect is required for the formation of the body, for example:

cryolipolysis for the skin of the body
  • Cryolipolysis. Fight the cold with fat cells. It is already possible to eliminate up to 40 percent of the existing fees in one session. In this case, the full exposure process involves a maximum of 3 sessions.
  • Lipolaser. Laser fight with fat cells. Light pulses destroy existing groups, and decay products are expelled naturally. If necessary, the procedure should be performed in a full course of 5-10 sessions.

Lipolytic injections at this stage are usually less common due to their reduced effectiveness.

Cellulite Removal

Increased exposure techniques are also used to combat the effects of orange peel during adolescence, for example, combining several directions at the same time. The following procedures have such an integrated approach:

  • Vacuum roller massage. It involves the effect of mechanical treatment on problem areas of the body not only due to the vacuum, but also using special rollers equipped with a nozzle.
  • VelaShape. It involves exposure in four directions (infrared radiation, radio waves, electric current and vacuum). It not only improves the structure of the skin, but also reduces the formation of oil.

Techniques are applied during 10-20 procedures, with a break of 2 to 5 days between sessions. A repeat course is recommended no earlier than 3-5 months after the first.


Age-related changes, as mentioned earlier, manifest themselves primarily in the décolleté and neck area. In order to combat them, injection procedures such as biorevitalization or mesotherapy are often performed, but they are prophylactic and do not significantly affect the existing problems with mature skin. Cosmetologists recommend the following procedures to rejuvenate certain areas:

fractional thermolysis for rejuvenation
  • Thermage. Increases collagen levels in the skin due to heat from exposure to radio waves. Has a similar effect to plastic results for up to 50 years.
  • Fractional thermolysis. Improves skin firmness & eliminates wrinkles by stimulating collagen production from laser beams


In adult patients, the removal of body ptosis can also be done by lifting the rope. However, for this purpose, biodegradable, instead of using absorbent materials, non-absorbable sutures are applied. Their principles of operation are almost the same, but the efficiency is slightly higher. With their physical presence, they restore the skin and soft tissues to a new condition and stimulate collagen synthesis, which further strengthens the natural framework. The effectiveness of the procedure lasts 1-2 years, after which it is necessary to adjust, during which time the ropes will be additionally tightened.

Body cosmetology procedures are often prescribed to patients depending on their age, because it is no secret that our body has certain sources at different stages of life. So it is very easy to improve the figure and skin after 50 to 25. For this reason, the effect is more pronounced during adolescence and should be supportive and protective at an early age.