Skin rejuvenation face with his hands

Facial rejuvenation

We dream to remain young and beautiful for as long as possible. This natural process of aging does not suit us. Particularly sensitive to their display in the mirror, looking for salvation from the beauty salons or even given the power of plastic surgeons. This is my release to talk about the rejuvenation of the facial skin, hands, home. We can first do?

Know the enemy in the face

Why do we age and change in appearance? Why do some people look much younger than the other, without the help of plastic surgeons? Develop your own strategy, rejuvenation, it is very important to know.

Imagine that we start to get older is 18 years old! Our skin can stay forever young and aging. This process is inevitable. And we have to accept it.

Primarily formed from excess skin in the eye area, a small, barely noticeable wrinkles around the eyes; lower outer corners of the eyebrows, the nasolabial folds. This happened even 30 years.

When you are over 40 years, the primary signs of skin aging are more severe and added new ones: the heavier the eyelids, the skin of the chin becomes flabby, sagging cheeks, between the eyebrows looks like a big wrinkle.

For 50 years our cheeks sagging practically merge with the jaw. And Oh, the horror, face to lose a clear outline! Sometimes elongates the tip of the nose.

60 years it is obvious changes, the skin becomes thinner and drier, leading to the formation of deep wrinkles.

There are several types of facial aging in women:
  1. Tired face is manifested in decreased skin elasticity. In the morning after a good sleep it looks rested and fresh, but in the evening take a clearly senile look. This ageing is typical for oily or combination skin. This may be due to frequent stress, Smoking, fatigue, lack of sleep.

  2. Wrinkled face naturally sensitive thin skin. The appearance of fine lines covers the entire surface of the mesh. Causes: frequent and long exposure to the sun, dry skin.

  3. Gravitat type of subject fat women weighted features. Because of excess subcutaneous fat and almost no wrinkles, but over time forms a thick sagging folds. Causes: excess weight, comorbidities, oily skin.

  4. The combined event belongs to the early aging of the face. In this case, various brands of several types. Here and wrinkles and reduces skin elasticity and sagging cheeks. They cause a large amount of free radicals in the body, and prolonged exposure to UV rays.

  5. The reduction of the visible aging on her face skin a small layer of subcutaneous tissue is a muscle aging. First formed wrinkles around the eyes (crow's feet), then begin to drop the fat folds of the upper eyelid and pronounced nasolabial. One reason – age.

In spite of the different morphotype of ageing, their reasons, all have in common. It is premature and natural aging of the cover. The second is the gradual, program biological conversion cells.

The main causes of premature aging:
  • the blood circulation;
  • the failure of hormonal background;
  • the slow recovery of the cells;
  • dehydration;
  • exposure to uv rays;
  • stress;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • heredity;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • Smoking;
  • unfavorable environment;
  • the lack of Facials.

How to save?

Sooner or later we ask: "How to stop aging? How to stop aging face? How to rejuvenate your face?" It is very important individual approach. You need at least consulting a competent beautician, who will carefully examine your face and will not only advise you of creams and massage, but tell me, what kind of food to choose will help determine what's missing in your face to fill the deficit of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Although the skin in his youth, in perfect condition, it is necessary from time to time to visit a beautician as a preventive measure. As prophylactic purposes the woman must visit the gynecologist, make a mammogram 1 time a year, even if nothing hurts. Visible symptoms of facial aging expert can identify at an early stage. He will tell you what you need to take, if you want to maintain the freshness of skin for a long time. Choose cosmetics and explain how to use them correctly.

Wrinkles and age-related changes

But independently, if not prevent, slow down the aging cover the face. For example, do the exercises, apply the mask and perform the at home treatments for rejuvenation.

Consultation of the cosmetician it is possible to afford. Even better book your nutritional Supplements, regular use of which helps in the fight against aging.

Steam room or sauna, masks and creams from the pharmacy means, gymnastics, self — massage - the most accessible and popular methods and ways to preserve youth and beauty.

Rejuvenation begin cleaning. It's the law!

Cleaning should be only superficial, but also deeper layers of the skin. Bottom cleaning is a great pore cleansing and a powerful contraction, because they are the accumulation of dust and sebum.

Home treatments was the most effective, it is important to follow a few simple steps:

  • We have to follow hygiene, use only sterile instruments.
  • Apply the cleaning agent need to be cleaned and steamed the skin — for example, when taking a hot bath or in a special steam room. This is going to be deeper.
  • If you are using home remedies, it is recommended to take only natural ingredients. But also complete and ready for cosmetics.
  • During the week, the best option would be to make the two cleaning procedures.
Homemade creams herbs
Good home rejuvenate skin lotions.

Here are a few simple recipes for homemade creams.

Peppermint lotion: 4-5 tbsp chopped fresh mint or 2 tablespoon dry pour boiling water (½ l) and simmer for 10 min. Cool, strain, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and apple cider vinegar, 2 tablespoon calendula tincture and 4 teaspoon boric alcohol, mix thoroughly, pour into a dark glass bottle and store in the refrigerator. Wipe this lotion should face in the morning and evening – the color of the skin improves, he will be healthier and younger.

Lotion parsley prepared somewhat differently. Dry (or fresh chopped) leaves and roots of plants (1 tbsp) boiled water and half an hour heated in a water bath; insist hour, strain, and add the white wine (50-70 g). Wipe face morning and evening.

Masks for skin rejuvenation
  1. Cover of herbs. Take equal parts of lime leaves, strawberry, currants, yarrow, plantain; raw materials are carefully ground, mixed, and pour 4 tablespoons mixture with boiling water so that turned mush. When the mixture cools down, for 15 minutes applied to the face and neck; wash off with cold water.

  2. The mask of aloe juice. This is a great rejuvenating mask. In a porcelain or glass Cup mix aloe juice (years 1 tbsp) of olive oil (1 teaspoon), and apply the mixture to the pre-steamed face. After 15 minutes, the mask is removed with a damp cloth, and the top cause another – beaten ½ teaspoon salt raw egg white, hold for 10 minutes, and wash with a decoction of st. john's wort, or sage. When the mask is apply the cream.

  3. A very useful and nutritious mask is obtained with a banana, yogurt (2 tablespoon) and honey (1 tbsp). Yogurt and honey mixed with ½ crushed banana pulp, put the pulp on the face, hold for 15-20 minutes and wash off with warm water.

  4. Mask with milk: warm milk need to add so much flour that the mixture resembles sour cream, then add the egg yolk, mix and apply the mixture on clean face. Hold 20 minutes and wash with water with a small amount of lemon juice.

  5. Mask the protein, honey (1 teaspoon) and flour (2 teaspoon). Proteins vzbit in foam, add a flour and honey, stir thoroughly, and 20 minutes to put on cleansed face. Rinse with warm water.

  6. Potato mask. Simple potatoes well to rejuvenate a skin, specifically dry – smooth fine and not even very fine lines. Just boil the potatoes in their skins for a couple, clean, stretch and in the form of heat apply on face. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. Mashed potatoes add a little milk or cream.

Talk about anti-aging masks for all skin types here is not to succeed, but can you list some effective ingredients masks.

  • Dull skin, a good mask of grated carrots, lemon juice and yogurt – they give it back its freshness and healthy color.
  • The mask of fresh cucumber refresh and soothe tired skin; masks of banana help to prevent early wrinkles.
  • For oily skin, a good mask tomatoes; tightens pores and tightens the skin mask of egg white and lemon juice; acne and rashes helps to remove the mask of mint leaves.
  • To soften the skin and remove dead cells to help mask oatmeal.
Rejuvenate at home, not only outside, but inside

There are many folk remedies, body cleansing, improves metabolism and promotes cell renewal.

This magical mixture will change from simple ingredients: honey – 1 kg lemon – 4 Pcs., garlic – 3 heads, flax seed oil 200 ml peeled garlic and lemons (2 peeled and 2 shells) grind in a meat grinder or in a blender, add honey and oil, mix all with a wooden spoon and put in a glass jar. Keep product in the fridge and take 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon half an hour before a meal. After some time the facial skin and the entire body will become silky smooth, improve the condition of hair and nails.

Simple and affordable home remedies to rejuvenate the skin too much – you just need to learn more about them and choose those that do not like it. Regular use of masks, scrubs, lotions, baths and other treatments to help restore the skin's smoothness, freshness, elasticity and youthfulness, and then the mood is beautiful again, and life interesting and joyful.

To be young and beautiful! Love yourself.